Flutter App: whodunit

Murder Mystery Chat Game

Project Summary

whodunit follows a compelling murder mystery storyline inspired by the book “And Then There Were None” by Agatha Christie. Users can engage in a series of chat conversations with various characters involved in the story to solve the murder case.

App screenshots.

About the project

The app was developed for a course Mobile App Development at Uni Bremen in the Winter Semester 2023/24. I developed it together with Yuliya Litvin and Srujana Madam Sampangiramu. My tasks included:

  • Creating an adaptive launcher app icon and a monochrome icon
  • Implementing the Introduction Story Screen with text animations
  • Implementing an overlay explaining where to start the game on the first run of the app
  • Establishing connection to Firebase and saving chats there
  • Prompt engineering the initial context for each character
  • Generating UUIDs on the first run of the app

App features displayed.
App Features accessible from the Home Screen, or the "Living Room"
App features displayed.
App Features accessible from the Home Screen, or the "Living Room"

Launcher icons

The launcher icons follow the murder mystery game theme but their style is still flat and minimalistic.

whodunit launcher icons.

Tools, Frameworks & Technologies

  • Figma
  • Inkscape
  • Android Studio
  • Flutter + Dart
  • Firebase Console
  • OpenAI API